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"Why a jaguar? In the Mayan culture "Balam" was a symbol of power. This animal was considered ambivalent, a symbol of light and darkness. Its peculiar print, represents the stars shining at night. It is said that the God of the Sun transformed into a jaguar to be able to travel at night through the world of the dead. At dusk and throughout the night, the Sun Jaguar fought against the gods of Xibalba, the underworld, defeating them and leaving once more the next day. In this symbol we identify ourselves to be able to fight against the obstacles of life, to grow, to be better every day and to make our beautiful Mexican culture known. "

In the shadow of this symbol, a group of friends has decided to start a new dream, a dream called Meca International DMC. The members of this new reality, with more than 30 years of experience in the tourism sector in Mexico, want to offer you a high range of products and services:

Our traditional tours with very complete scheduled departures, where you can get to know different parts of Mexico and be amazed by the colors, flavors and smells that exist between one region and another. Archeology will be one of the most important points of our circuits. If your ideal travel date does not coincide, do not be discouraged, we can tailor any type of trip based on your needs.

What do you prefer? We can offer you any type of accommodation, from the comfort of the beach to the lights that never go out in the cities. We can propose any type of hotel, from the modern and minimalist to the classic full of Mexican atmosphere.

We can organize any type of tour so that you can complement your stay in the different destinations you chose for your trips.

We have any type of transportation to meet the needs of each person or group.

All our products and services are supported by the knowledge and enthusiasm of the valuable team of people who work at Meca International DMC, by our offices and representatives in the main destinations, as well as the experience of our Guides (Italian, Spanish, English, French , Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese.) That with knowledge, kindness and disposition will show you the great history, past and present, of this unique country, it is a fact that with the knowledge that our guides provide, they will totally make a difference in your trip.

You can contact us through this page, to the telephone numbers that we indicate or to the email

Receive a warm greeting and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Meca International DMC Team